Off The Cuff
Take what works, discard what doesn’t.
We're all unique even though our basic needs are the same.
We're all unique even though our basic needs are the same.
Extend The Relaxation Period
The goal for most massage bookings is relaxation and 'me time'. Once the yummy massage is over, that relaxed state fades fairly quickly. Add work or family stress and the relaxation disappears altogether. Wouldn't you rather feel relaxed for much longer than just the time spent on a massage table? Therapeutic Massage seeks to remove issues in the tissues that accompany stress reactions. In other words, the issues in the tissues often cause the inability to respond well to normal life stress. During therapeutic massage, it may feel like work, but afterward, a deeper, longer-lasting relaxation sets in that can last for days, weeks, even months. Therapeutic massage also saves time and money over traditional massage as less frequent sessions are required to get results. Choose Skill Not Modality There are at least 160 different styles of massage. Each one has the ability to resolve a multitude of conditions and symptoms on the mental, emotional, and physical levels. With so many choices, it is recommended that clients focus less on modality (style) and more on the special skills of the therapist. Raise Your Expectations The best way to find the right therapist for you, is to first determine what you want to get out of your massage. Most people today undervalue what massage can do for them, incorrectly assuming it is primarily for relaxing or pampering one's self. This Wall Street Journal article about Massage As Medicine will introduce you to the many health-related reasons for booking a massage. When health improves, so does ability to handle stress. Find The Right Therapist The next step is to find out if your potential therapist is skilled at solving or dealing with your particular circumstances. For example, some therapists may be good at returning range-of-motion in the shoulder, but may not know how to handle the delicate tissues of a person with diabetes or fibromyalgia. Other therapists may be able to solve your sports injuries, but not decompress you from an emotional trauma. Paula handles a wide range of bodies and conditions, while other therapists may be experts in a smaller selection. Here's an odd but effective tip in helping you find a therapeutic therapist versus a relaxation therapist: Find out if they spend most of their time working with you while you are lying face up or face down. The more time they spend with you face down, the more likely they do relaxation therapy. Highly educated and experienced therapists will keep you face-up most of the time, even for resolving most back pain problems. If back pain could be cured by a back rub, then we'd all be getting back rubs! Comments are closed.
AuthorI have the intelligence to know I am stupid, and the arrogance to experiment. Both are key scientific values. GoalTo express solution-oriented arguments toward a healthier self and world. InsightsWe can live without our thinking brain, but will die without our emotional brain. Listen to those first emotions, for the body never lies. Then do thoughtful diligence, because we often lie to ourselves. Archives
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Repairing the human body since 2003Paula helps your body heal itself through innovative connective-tissue-cleansing bodywork and no-nonsense education.
Specialties Pain & Tension Injuries Arthritis Tendonitis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME/PEM/SEID) Pain Solutions vs. Pain Management Faster Joint and Injury Recovery Reversal of Premature Aging vs. Anti-aging Prep and Recovery for major life events: eg. surgery, birthing, sports Geriatric Care More Permanent Stress Reduction |
Paula's Body Shop
Paula Mae, LMT Copyright © 2003 - 2025 All rights reserved. The word 'massage' denotes Paula's innovative connective tissue therapies led by expert palpation for noticeable before and after results, and derived from professional training in: Swedish medical massage, Neuromuscular (NMT), Trigger Point, Massage Cupping, Reflexology, Acupressure, Shiatsu, and Smooth Gua Sha. She also employs vibrational therapies from dense to subtle like: Tok Sen (hammer massage) and BioSyntonie.